PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. provides the information contained in this website or any of the pages comprising the website to visitors subject to the terms and conditions set forth for this website.
By accessing this site you expressly and unconditionally agree to the website Terms and Conditions of Use, policies, rules and all disclaimers and other provisions set forth on the website. By entering, you agree that your use of the website is at your own risk and that you have understood and read the Terms and Conditions of Use. Likewise, in those cases in which personal information is requested from the User as established in the website, as in the case of registering for marketing activities by Productos de Belleza Ana Maria S.A., the User is obliged to provide true information and, if necessary, update his/her data. PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. shall not be liable for incorrect or fraudulent information entered by the user on the website.


PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. reserves the right at any time to change or discontinue without notice, any aspect or feature of this website. The information is provided for information purposes only and is not intended for commercial purposes. You or your company rely on the information contained in this website at your own risk. If you find an error or omission on this site, please let us know.

To have access to this website, the “User” must have security devices and adopt measures that prevent, among others: the use of your information by third parties, impersonation, intrusions, viruses, fraud, spies and the like.

PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A, in any case shall presume in good faith that it is contracting directly with the customer or with its legal representative duly empowered to carry out such operations and PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A, shall not assume any responsibility for personal impersonation made by any customer and / or user.

  1. To make any purchase, it is essential to register, identify and introduce yourself as a user on the website, activities that are performed through an email account and a secret password of the customer, which is personal, non-transferable and the sole and exclusive responsibility of the customer.
  2. The customer is responsible for any use made of the password provided, which may not be transferred or disclosed to third parties for any reason whatsoever. Likewise, the customer must take all necessary security measures to prevent misuse or knowledge of it by third parties. It is recommended to change the password periodically.
  3. In case of loss, forgetfulness or exposure to third parties of the password, the customer should refer to the authentication section of the site where there is a link to remember password, where following the instructions, the customer will be able to recover his password, through his e-mail or change the password. If for any reason the problem cannot be solved, please write to e-mail:


PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A., will make available to customers, the images of the products that will be displayed as real as possible, however, keep in mind that with each computer, the color of the products may vary, so the company is not responsible for this fact if the customer requested change due to differences in color with the product image.


In the event that one or more of the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed void, illegal or ineffective in any respect, the validity, legality, enforceability or effectiveness of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not be affected or invalidated thereby.


PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A., may at any time revise these Terms of Use contained herein by updating this posting. By using, the user agrees to be bound by any such revisions, which shall be in effect from the time such revisions are made available to Users, and should then periodically visit this page to determine the then-current terms to which the user will be bound in the event the user chooses to use this Site.


The trademarks, trade names, trade signs and slogans, logos and service marks (collectively called “marks”) and other intellectual property rights appearing on this website are registered by PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. Nothing contained on this website should be construed as granting any license or right to use any trademark without the prior written permission of PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A.

The use, reproduction, copying, modification, distribution, disclosure, sale, public display by any means, total or partial communication of the intellectual property contained on the website, without the prior written permission of PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. is prohibited. In case of unauthorized use of intellectual property rights by the user, the user shall indemnify and be liable for all damages and cancel all rights to which there is room, PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. as well as be subject to civil, criminal and other legal actions that may arise.

Likewise, all graphics, trademarks, names, commercial signs and slogans, logos, photographs, advertisements, designs, voices, videos, texts, recordings, plans, creations, reports and other information contained in the website belong to PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. or to third parties who have authorized PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. to exploit and use them.


The contract of sale of PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. is perfected only when the customer observes the offer of products made by PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. and then makes the product selection, makes the payment according to the payment methods offered on the page.

In any case, PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. shall not be obliged under any circumstances to accept a purchase offer. SOLE PARAGRAPH: If the purchase to be made exceeds a quantity of six (6) products per reference or exceeds the amount of 2’000,000 Colombian pesos. PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. reserves the right to send this purchase offer to the company’s corporate business channel as it is considered an institutional sale, in order to avoid undue commercialization of products.


PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A., may accept the offer immediately after payment, which may be accepted in whole or in part.

      1. Acceptance of the offer will be made by e-mail to the address provided by the customer with the expression “thank you very much for your purchase” or similar. Our customer should note that the mere registration, the provision of the personal password to our customer or the forwarding of the information or transaction does not mean acceptance of any offer.
      2. In the event that PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. for any reason does not accept the offer made in whole or in part, will proceed to return the money in whole or in part as appropriate, to an account owned by the bidder in an amount identical to the amount deposited in our accounts, without any interest, compensation or other items.
      3. For the refund of the money, the means of payment shall be observed as follows: For payments by debit card, savings or checking account, the refund will be made within eight (8) business days. But if the payment was made by credit card, the return order will be made within fifteen (15) business days, without PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. being responsible for any delays that the financial institution may have.


The total value of the purchase will be composed of the following items to be paid by the customer: value of the product, taxes and transportation costs if applicable.

      1. PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A is committed to constantly review and update the prices mentioned on the website and in turn, our customer and / or user, should be attentive in case of any fluctuation in them.
      2. PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. will inform or publish the transportation and shipping rate that will have the goods which will be generated depending on the costs, items and policies of the carrier, which are independent and outside PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. Within the cost of freight must take into account the place of the Colombian territory to which the products purchased should be sent, the size and weight of them.

Terms of payment

Payment shall be made solely and exclusively by the following means:

  1. Credit cards
      • Visa
      • Diners
      • Master Card
      • American Express

Debit cards

      • Master
      • Electron

3. Baloto

4. Efecty

Prior to acceptance by us of any Offer to Purchase, the customer must choose the terms and conditions of payment of the corresponding price, according to the means of payment that are already specifically set forth in this Site. Even if PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. makes available to the customer a secure connection system for the realization of all purchase offers, in no case be liable for failures in communications of banks or credit institutions, nor for any damage caused to users on the occasion of an action or omission of such entities.


The consumer must return the product to PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. by the same means and in the same conditions in which it was received. Transportation and other costs involved in returning the goods shall be borne by the consumer. The maximum term to exercise the right of withdrawal shall be five (5) business days from the delivery of the good or from the execution of the contract in the case of the provision of services.

The following cases are excepted from the following case and according to the corporate purpose of PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A., the following cases:

  • In contracts for the supply of goods or services whose price is subject to fluctuations of financial market coefficients that the producer cannot control,
  • In contracts for the supply of goods made to the consumer’s specifications or clearly personalized,
  • In contracts for the acquisition of goods for personal use,

PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A., shall return in cash to the consumer all sums paid without proceeding to make discounts or deductions for any concept. In any case, the refund to the consumer shall not exceed thirty (30) calendar days from the moment in which the right was exercised.


The law provides that in sales made through electronic commerce mechanisms, such as the Internet, and a credit or debit card or any other electronic payment instrument has been used to make the payment, the participants in the payment process must reverse the payments requested by the consumer when it is subject to fraud, or corresponds to an unsolicited transaction, or the product purchased is not received, or the product delivered does not correspond to what was requested or is defective.

In order to proceed with the reversal of the payment, within five (5) business days from the date on which the consumer learned of the fraudulent or unsolicited transaction or should have received the product or received it defective or not corresponding to what was requested, the consumer must file a complaint with PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A and return the product, where appropriate, and notify of the claim to the issuer of the electronic payment instrument used to make the purchase, which, together with the other participants in the payment process, will proceed to reverse the transaction to the buyer.


The shipment of the products will be made only within the Colombian territory, through certified mail, within a maximum period of ten (10) working days, counted from the acceptance of the offer, as long as there is no fortuitous event or force majeure, among which are, by way of example, acts of man or nature, such as strikes, stoppages, revolutions, rebellion, sedition, riots, attacks, fluid cuts, landslides, earthquakes, avalanches, overflows, falls of bridges, among others.

  1. The place of shipment shall be to the address indicated by the customer in the offer prepared by the customer in the form provided for such purpose, which may be the same place of residence of the purchaser or another designated by the purchaser. It is understood that any person who is at the address where delivery is to be made, is duly authorized by the customer to receive your order, so PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. is exonerated from any liability at the time of delivery, provided that the same.
  2. The carrier shall be obliged to make a maximum of two (2) attempts to deliver the products purchased. In the event that the delivery attempts are unsuccessful, the goods will be returned to the factory and the consigned monies will be refunded, except for the value of the shipment, without any type of interest, retribution or additional amount and regardless of the cause or origin that the return may have. Likewise, delivery is considered unsuccessful if the recipient of the product is under fourteen (14) years of age and is not accompanied by a parent, guardian or legal guardian who signs together with the recipient the receipt of the product.


The invoice will be sent together with the purchased product to the address mentioned by the customer.


The transfer of ownership takes place as soon as PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A. places the good or product in the hands of the carrier, to be sent to the customer or the person designated by the customer.

  1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the customer or recipient of the good or product shall refrain from receiving the same immediately, in the event that the packaging or packing of the product presents damages, ruptures, openings or other similar, leaving the due annotation or record of that fact.


Our customer accepts that the products are packed and presented in a plastic bag and/or cardboard box that meets the necessary conditions for the proper preservation of the product.


To make effective any change of any of the products marketed by our website, apply the ‘Policies of shipments, exchanges, returns and guarantees’, which are an integral part of this document.


The client solemnly declares and submits:

  1. The resources with which the purchase was made come from a licit operation, trade, profession, activity or business.
  2. The monies with which the purchase was made were NOT obtained by virtue of any type of conduct that is considered a criminal offense under Colombian law.
  3. I have never allowed third parties to use my accounts or my credit or debit cards to deposit or manage money that I do not know its origin or that comes from conducts contrary to the law and especially to the criminal law.
  4. I exempt PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARÍA S.A S from any responsibility for the erroneous, false, inaccurate information provided in this document or for the violation of the same, so that I will be the only responsible for it.


In addition, you agree not to use the website to send or post any message or material that is unlawful, harassing, libelous, defamatory, abusive, indecent, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, sexually oriented, racist, profane, pornographic or otherwise in violation of any law. You indemnify PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. against any loss, liability, damages or expenses of any nature that PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. or any third party may suffer, for causes attributable either directly or indirectly from the use of the website to send or post any message or material.



These Terms and Conditions constitute the sole record of the agreement between you and PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. in connection with your use of the website. Neither you nor PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. shall be bound by any express, implied or statutory representations, warranties, promises or representations recorded herein. Unless otherwise stated, these Terms and Conditions supersede and replace all prior commitments, undertakings or representations, whether written or oral, between you and PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. with respect to your use of the Website.


PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. may at any time and without prior notice, modify the terms and conditions, policies or notices, content, information, prices, configuration, services, products, quantities, among others. You acknowledge that by visiting the Website from time to time, you will be bound by the current version of the Terms and Conditions (the “Current Version”) and, unless stated in the Current Version, all previous versions will be superseded by the Current Version. You will be responsible for reviewing the current version each time you visit the website.


All terms and conditions, policies and communications shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Colombia, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws. The user submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of Colombia with respect to disputes arising out of or relating to the website or any of the terms and conditions, policies and notices or any related matters.


If you have any questions, comments arising from the website, the privacy policy, the terms and conditions or the way we are handling your personal information, please contact us at


PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. is a company dedicated to the development and marketing of the brands ANA MARIA, BIOSILK, SKINART, KALOE, in the cosmetics and beauty sector, through its stores located in the city of Bogota, and its distributors nationwide (Traditional Channel, Chains, Drugstores and its Ecommerce).

PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA SA is responsible, under the terms of Article 3 of Law 1581 of 2012 of the processing of information that is carried out from the databases fed through the website. The policies contained in this document were prepared taking into account the provisions contained in Articles 15 and 20 of the Political Constitution, Law 1581 of 2012 “Whereby general provisions are issued for the protection of personal data” and Decree 1377 of 2013 “whereby Law 1581 of 2012 is partially regulated.”
The policies described below apply to the processing of personal data collected and controlled by PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A., located at Cra 62 No 14 – 75 in the city of Bogotá D.C., e-mail address and telephone 3203023.

The rules and procedures described in this document apply to databases containing information on customers, suppliers, employees and users in general of PRODUCTOS DE BELLEZA ANA MARIA S.A. Information that has been collected in the development of the corporate purpose of the company referred to on the occasion of the offer and sale of our services and products, within the framework of the different business relationships, through marketing processes, provision of services, electronic media, physical or social networks, recruitment processes and employment.
The period of validity of such databases shall be the period of validity of the company.